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Printy Dater 4810

Your Price $19.58
Along with its companions Printy 4836 Numberer & Printy 4850 Dater with Text, the Printy 4810 Dater gets a new look!

The new design has features which make the stamp more ergonomic, such as the grip zone for a better handling, the bigger and smoother wheels for a comfortable date setting with clean fingers and a flat head for an easy text plate mounting in the case of the 4850. All of these of course while improving the core characteristics that makes this stamp so popular: a small stamp with a strong base plate promising durability and a very long lifetime.
The replacement cartridges are well known and continue as in the past: Compatible are 6/4910 and 6/4850. The 6/4850/2 is optional for a 2-color impression with a blue impression and red highlighted date.
    120 Midwest Road, Toronto, ON M1P 3B2
    phone 416-368-7022 | 1-800-637-5813  or  fax 416-368-2478 | 1-800-637-5814
    e-mail sales@torstamp.com